Every year, the Center helps hundreds of researchers from across the United States
to answer their questions about South County history.
While archival materials and photographs are often consulted,
we have found that materials within our research library are often the most helpful.
The Center has been working to develop and improve its research library in recent years, and we are hoping that members of our community might be able to help the effort. Are you able to donate your gently-used copy (or a new copy) of any of these print materials? *Last updated 3/2025
‘38: The Great Hurricane in Quonochontaug Rhode Island by John Livsey (2004)
Blood Will Tell: Native Americans and Assimilation Policy by Katherine Ellinghaus (2017)
Broadsides of the Dorr Rebellion by Russell J. Desimone and Daniel C. Schofield (1992)
Buildings on Paper: Rhode Island Architectural Drawings, 1825-1945 by William H. Jordy (1982)
Changes In the Land: Indians, Colonists, and the Ecology of New England by William Cronin (2003)
Early Letters: 1865-1867 by Rowland Gibson Hazard, published by Caroline Hazard (1937)
The Eden of America: Rhode Island Landscapes, 1820-1920 by Robert G. Workman (1986)
Facts for the Laboring Man: By a Laboring Man by Thomas R. Hazard (pamphlet, 1840)
Firsting and Lasting: Writing Indians out of Existence in New England by Jean M. O’Brien (2010)
“Fortune Magazine” April 1931 with cover art by Ernest Hamlin Baker
“Fortune Magazine” January 1934 with cover art by Ernest Hamlin Baker
Forty Illustrators and How They Work by Ernest William Watson (1947)
Freedom of Mind in Willing by Rowland Hazard (pamphlet, 1864)
The Genesee Country and especially the story of Castile by Katherine Barnes (n.d.)
Gravestones of Early New England and the Men Who Made Them, 1653-1800 by Harriette Forbes (1927)
Great Stories from Westerly’s Past by Zachary Garceau (2021)
An Historical View of the First Planters of New England by Thomas Robbins (1815)
History/Memoir of Jemima Wilkinson, A Preacheress of the Eighteenth Century by David Hudson (1822, 1844, or reprint)
History of the Town of Hopkinton Rhode Island 1757-1976 by Hopkinton Bicentennial Commission (1976)
How to Predict Snow in South County, Rhode Island by Donald Gentile (2011)
How Robin Hood Once was a Wait: A Miracle Play or Christmas Masque by Rowland Gibson Hazard (1910)
Hoxsie Sells His Acres: An America Novel in Verse by Christopher La Farge (1934)
Language: Its Connection with the Present Condition and Future by Rowland G. Hazard (1836)
Man, A Creative First Cause: Two Discourses by Rowland G. Hazard (1883)
Matunuck Beach Series (3 Books): Matunuck, Erosion, and Moonstone by Greg McLaughlin
A Pictorial History of Weekapaug Rhode Island by Susan E. Lyman (1992)
Pioneer Prophetess: Jemima Wilkinson, the Publick Universal Friend by Herbert A. Wisbey (2009)
Poems by Gertrude Minturn Hazard and Anna Peace Hazard (1873)
The Problem of Lobster Culture by Albert Davis Mead (pamphlet, 1905)
Retracing Baptists in Rhode Island : Identity, Formation, and History by J. Stanley Lemons (2019)
Roadside Geology of Connecticut and Rhode Island by James W. Skehan (2008)
Secrets of the Water Rats: A Rhode Island Girlhood, 1930s-1940s by Jean C. McCrosky
A Sense of Place: Painters of Matunuck, Rhode Island 1873-1941 by Lindsay Leard-Coolidge (2010) *archival-quality copy requested
Slavery in the States: Selected Essays published by Negro Universities Press (1969)
The Homes of Our Forefathers Volume 3: Rhode Island & Connecticut by Edwin Whitefield (1882)
That Others Might Live: The U.S. Life-Saving Service, 1878-1915 by Dennis L. Noble (1994)
To Bring Law Home: The Federal Judiciary in Early National Rhode Island by D. Kurt Graham (2009)
Under the Spell of Matunuck with photographs by David Sherman (2021)
Vampire Legends of Rhode Island by Christopher Rondina (1997)
“The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography” published by Virginia Historical Society Vol. 66 No. 1. (January 1958)
The Wampanoag of Massachusetts and Rhode Island by Janey Levy (2004)
The Weekapaug Inn: The Best of All Possible Worlds by Robert C. Buffum (1999)
If you would like to mail a new or used publication to the Center, please send it to South County History Center, 2636 Kingstown Road, Kingston, RI 02881.
Of course, there are countless other materials that would be welcome additions,
and we encourage you to reach out to the Center’s team at erica@southcountyhistorycenter.org about other suggestions or donations.